Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Math class mixed with fractions

Today the peer problem story for today was The Pistachios  
                                         We have been doing problems for a week. Peer Problems are 12 different problems made up from other students.
this is the story problem of the day and it`s about fractions today.
                                                              We do a story  problem every day to exercise our brain.    

We are doing around the world today with multiplication and division flashcards 

We were identifying triangles from their angles and sides. I always get isosceles scalene mixed up.   

                                                   What did you do in math class today?

Monday, April 6, 2015

March 31 last slice

This is a picture of Josie's finished slice.

This picture is of Emma's finished slice.

Today was the last slice of life for the month. We do this every morning before math, and we do it because it is a way we learn literacy. Eli wants us to use the whole time to either write draw and think.

Did you enjoy slice of life, why or why not?

What did you write about for your last slice?
This is a picture of the finished writing stage.