Friday, September 5, 2014

Epic Patty Cake

Here is how they made the video we watched today in class. How many takes (tries) do think they had to do, to get the final video? Remember, they had to learn the actions AND the singing! Why did you pick the number you did?

These are professional performers! Professional authors edit their writing over and over too. Take pride in your work at school and edit/revise to make the best projects possible this year.


  1. 14

    I think 10 tries because there was a lot of singing and clapping. They had to memorize and then concentrate and that was a lot to do.

    1. Do you think that 10 tries is a lot, or is that not very many for what they had to accomplish.

    2. 14

      I think 10 times is a lot because all four people had to do the same hand motions at the same time and then they were singing.

  2. 29

    I think that it took 18 tries because there was a lot of pressure to get every part right and people were going to watch it. Also I saw 5 mistakes and they didn't even show us everything.

  3. 22

    I think that maybe they made the mistakes after they were done with the video. The mistakes just seemed like they were fake. The Full version seemed like it had auto tune to make there voices better. I think 10 tries isn't a lot because it seemed kind of simple from what I saw in the end.


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