Friday, December 19, 2014

finishing maps for the Holidays

Maggie`s map

Sahra`s map 

Taylor`s map
Today we were trying to get done with our maps for the Holiday break.
we are rewrighting the cities we wrote in pencil and writing them in black marker.
 are you having fun with the maps and why???


This is Matteo working on his awesome cool map!!!!!!

Today we have to be finished  with our map before break. We hope you have fun on the celebration you do over break. What Celebration do you Celebrate???

Thursday, December 18, 2014



Alexa's Map

Emma's Map

Cameron's Map
Faith's Map

Today we worked on our maps. We painted the inside of the map yo teach whomever is looking at the map something that the map does not teach them. What  does your map teach?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

math class

eli teaches his math class a math problem

a student is working on his problem

a row of people are working on problems

math is okay. do you like math?

different math teachers teach different skills. what is your math teacher working on?

Fantasy Football

people work on computers to get stats

fantasy football is fun. do you like fantasy football? why?
Ellis puts stats on the required sheet

people at computers

Josie and her group look at stats

people have good weeks and bad weeks. what was your best week? your worst week?

everyone has good players. who is your best player? your worst player?

how many points did you get this week?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Computer Lab

Typing our personal narratives.

Typing and hour of code.

Hour of code.
Today we typed are personal narratives.when you where done you could go to hour of code or sumdog.
What is your personal narrative about?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Mental math

Today in math we did mental math. Eli picks a teacher who is Mark and person to watch our behavior witch is Frankie. We learn how to do the lesson. Once we learn the lesson the teacher picks people to solve a problem on the board. once we finish the lesson the watcher tells the class how they did behavior wise and we can move up an down on the red chart.      

Friday, December 12, 2014

Color Sort Sample

Color Sort Sample
Here is a sample Color Sort. Students would continue the pattern for all their words. They first sort their words and then write their sort on a piece of paper. Next, they use a color to show the characteristic that has placed each sort in it's category. This assignment can be turned in each week but I do trust you, so there is no real need to get it to me.

around the world

Today in math we did around the world flash cards.
Around the world is where you stand up and go around the class room answering the question that Eli is holding up.
You start at your desk and try to be the first person to answer the question so you can move on to the next
desk and try to get back to yours.
Do you like around the world?

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Today we did CML's and got them passed back. CML's are difficult math problems that we do once a month. Very few people get all right, but getting one is still great! Do you like CML's?Why or why not?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Personal Narative Drafting

Today we worked on our personal narratives. They are about something that happened in our life.  Some of them are exiting others thrilling others are of nice days in the sun, but all are in 1st person and have one event that happened

Monday, December 8, 2014

Story problems

We were solving a story problem and these are some examples of students work solving the problem. They are doing a problem that shows them a math addition problem with some letters and they have to find the place value of the letters by guessing numbers and adding them to see if they work.

Do you think you could solve a question like that? Do you think it would be hard?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

problem solvers

The picture on the top is people working on the exit slip.
The problem is seven divided by six hundred fifty
five. I wonder if people are going to get it right you 
should try to solve the problem at home then you can write back.
Everyone here is great at math.

Try to solve these problems and when you are done you should write the answer.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Here are some of the personal narratives written today. Here's a question:

Was your personal narrative funny, action packed, or peaceful? if other please reply...

Monday, November 10, 2014

Snow Day Math

In math to celebrate the first snow we did a quick study of Pascal's Triangle and then tried to find all the ways to make the word "SNOW." After that we plotted coordinates on a grid to make a snowflake. Can you find all the lines of symmetry?

Snow Day Writing

To celebrate our first day of snow here in Minnesota, we are themeing our entire day around SNOW!

In writing class we read the The Snowflake, A Water Cycle Story. Then we wrote our own story in first-person about a snowflake's journey.

What part of your story, or a classmate's story, stuck out to you?