Monday, November 10, 2014

Snow Day Math

In math to celebrate the first snow we did a quick study of Pascal's Triangle and then tried to find all the ways to make the word "SNOW." After that we plotted coordinates on a grid to make a snowflake. Can you find all the lines of symmetry?

Snow Day Writing

To celebrate our first day of snow here in Minnesota, we are themeing our entire day around SNOW!

In writing class we read the The Snowflake, A Water Cycle Story. Then we wrote our own story in first-person about a snowflake's journey.

What part of your story, or a classmate's story, stuck out to you?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Unit 2

this is the score sheet for math. we score what
we think we can do.a 0 is ''i don't know what this is.''
a 1 is ''i need lots of help.''a 2 is ''i need a little help.'',
and a 3 is ''i know this and can teach this.''