Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How to Eat Fried Worms Final Project

Today we finished our final projects for How to Eat Fried Worms, by Thomas Rockwell. Our final projects were illustrations of all 15 worms that Billy had to eat. I looked back in my book and took notes for each worm so that I could then just focus on my illustrations. If you had to eat a worm, how would you like it cooked?


  1. Drew, I would like to have my worm fried with a lot of ketchup and mustard.

  2. I would have my worm in a apple worm pie so I hope fully won't taste the worm's horrible taste and flavor so I wont taste it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    S. E. S. (BTW Eli is the best reading teacher in the world and the universe)

    1. Sounds like a great way to mask the worm......would it gross you out to see it in a bite?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I think fried worms would be nice. Owen D

    1. Would you want any spices or seasonings to try and hide the flavor?

    2. Yes Frank's hot sauce would be nice.

    3. really Owen?

      no name

  5. I would want a giant fat worm. Then I would put it in a hotdog bun and smother it with ketchup, mustard, onions, and pickle relish. Then I would take that first ooy gooy bite and as the worm guts dripped down my chin I would run to the bathroom to barf.....it is still a worm after all.

  6. If I had a worm I'd put him in a rootbeer cake. Or a pie. Noah

  7. if i had to eat a worm, i would eat it in a school rib-b-q. after all, a rib-b-q is good and it has barbeque sauce.


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